Because Every Detail Counts.

Protect And Maintain Your Investment.

Where Are We Located?

Currently Based In Middletown and Newark, Delaware

If you require our services and live in a nearby town, county, or state please let us know when we contact you and we can discuss pricing for further distancing.

Our Services

Shop Based Detailing

We currently have access to a small garage in Middletown and a full sized shop in Newark, De. When you contact us let us know where you are located and what service you desire so we may schedule you accordingly at the proper location for the best possible service. Higher tier detailing packages including stain removal/extraction and paint correction are only offered at our Newark location. If you have any issues with our scheduling or locations please inform us so we may address it as best we can. 

About Us

Our Primary Focus

At the moment we are focused on getting our name and quality of work out there, we need to make ourselves known if we want to continue to be successful. The best way to do this is to provide high quality honest work and ensure our customers trust us so they keep coming back and tell their friends about us. If you encounter any issues or confusion surrounding us and our work please let us know so we can work with you as best we can. We'd rather fix what you're unsatisfied with than lose a customer, one client is better than no client so please bring any issues or shortcomings to our attention. We love bonding with our customers and getting to know them more if you want to talk about your car or cars in general feel free!

Where We Are Headed

Here at All In Detailing we want to continue to get better and widen the variety of services we offer. Currently we are trying to add higher level detailing packages to our list of services. Services including paint correction, machine polishing, and ceramic coatings are just a few of many tools we are working on adding to our detailing arsenal as soon as we can.